Homoeopathic Medicines For Sleeplessness and it's Pressure Points

In this Article you will read about Homoeopathic Medicines to get Healthy Sleep and pressure points to get healthy sleep.

As in Homoeopathy "Vis Medicatrix Naturae" exists which means healing power of nature.

So before talking about homoeopathic medicines for sleeplessness we must know what are pressure points for this.

In This Article we will be talking about 5 Pressure Points. So here are these:-

1) Spirit Gate:- This point lies in lateral aspect of wrist (Ulnar side)

2) Three Yin Intersection:- This Point is situated in medial side of leg just above ankle

3) Bubling Spring:- This is situated on upper one-third of sole.

4) Inner Frontier Gate:- This is situated near wrist in between radius and ulna

5) Wind Pool:- This is situated behind neck

Now talking about Homoeopathic Medicine for Sleeplessness:-

As we know homoeopathic medicine selection solely depends on symptoms of patient as homoeopathy works on Principle of Similia Similibus Curentur.

But here i am talking in general about Sleeplessness Homoeopathic Medicine.

The Most important one is Passiflora.

Passiflora mother tincture is used when patient is suffering from sleeplessness.

Next important medicine is Chinchona Officinalis or China having unrefreshing sleep. Patient Wakes up early having anxious, frightening dreams, confused conciousness on waking, cannot get rid of dreams and fear of dream remains

Arsenic Album has disturbed, restless, anxious sleep. Dreams are full of care and fear

Argentum Nitricum dreams full of fanciful imaginations, horrible dreams of snakes and of sexual gratification.

Arnica Montana having sleeplessness when overtired. Dreams of death, mutilated bodies, anxious, terrible, horrors in night. Involuntary stools during sleep.

Bryonia Alba has drowsiness starting when falling asleep. Have constantly in mind business matters and what he had read.

Cactus Grandiflorus has sleeplessness on account of pulsations in different body part.

Calcarea Carbonica has idea crowding which prevents sleep . Drowsy in early part of evening . Wakes up frightened at Night. Dreams of Dead.

Gelsemium Sempervirens has insomnia from exhaustion , from uncontrollable thinking,constant yawning

Rhus Toxicodendron has dreams of great exertion. Sleeplessness before midnight.

Thuja occidentalis for persistant insomnia

Content Written by:- Dr. Samridhi Sharma

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