Listen Carefully to Differentiate b/w Kussmaul Breathing, Biot's Respiration & Cheyne-Stokes Breathing

If you don't know how Kussmaul, Biot's Respiration & Cheyne-Stokes Breathing sounds like you are at the right place. In this article we will learn what are the definitions of all three mentioned above and what to listen in stethoscope to differentiate an abnormal breathing from the normal one.

We are going to discuss Kussmaul Breathing, Biot's Respiration & Cheyne-Stokes breathing today. So first understand whhat are the definitions than listen the voices in the video below.

Look at the Graph Below it clearly explains the breathing patterns in normal and all three abnormal respiration.

Kussmaul Breathing

Kussmaul breathing is characterized by deep, rapid, and labored breathing. This distinct, abnormal breathing pattern can result from certain medical conditions, such as diabetic ketoacidosis, which is a serious complication of diabetes.

Biot's respiration

Biot's respiration is an abnormal pattern of breathing characterized by groups of regular deep inspirations followed by regular or irregular periods of apnea

  1. Cheyne–Stokes breathing

  2. A cyclical pattern of breathing in which movement gradually decreases to a complete stop and then returns to normal. It occurs in various medical conditions, and at high altitudes.

So, now i hope you all are able to differentiate b/w normal and abnormal respiration.